Celebrate the first day of winter by reading an e-book about snow on Libby! | EODOPEN
Celebrate the first day of winter by reading an e-book about snow on Libby! | EODOPEN
Are you looking for a book to read, but can't come to the library because we are closed for the holiday? Have no fear! Davidson County Public Libraries are always open through our digital collections. Patrons are able to checkout, read, and listen to thousands of different titles due to access to Hoopla, Libby (home to the North Carolina Digital Library), and Freading. Here at DCPL, the library is ALWAYS open, even when we are closed!
We reopen Wednesday, 12/28, and look forward to seeing you then!
#davidsoncountypubliclibrary #dcpl #21stcenturylibrary #thelibraryisalwaysopen #digitalcollections #hoopladigital #libbyapp #northcarolinadigitallibrary #freading
Original source can be found here.