
Winston Salem Times

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Seen on BookTok

News 7

Celebrate the first day of winter by reading an e-book about snow on Libby! | EODOPEN

Celebrate the first day of winter by reading an e-book about snow on Libby! | EODOPEN

We've got some of the most popular books right here at the Davidson County Public Library! Seen on BookTok (a platform on TikTok), New York Times's best-selling author Colleen Hoover's books are available for checkout (For FREE!) both in print and electronically through access to the North Carolina Digital Library.

Visit our catalog to browse titles: https://davidson.nccardinal.org/ or call your local branch for more information.

#davidsoncountypubliclibrary #dcpl #colleenhoover #newyorktimesbestseller #21stcenturylibrary

Original source can be found here.