
Winston Salem Times

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Donny Lambeth: Senate House Speaker Tim Moore's Designee


Representative Donny C. Lambeth | My Future NC

Representative Donny C. Lambeth | My Future NC

From: January 21, 2023 post.

Donny Lambeth is a native of North Carolina and a life-long resident of Forsyth County. He and his wife, Pam, live and reared their four grown daughters on the family home place in the Hopewell Community. Married 49 years, they are the proud grandparents of seven grandchildren.

Donny earned a BS degree in Business Administration from High Point University and a MBA from Wake Forest University. His professional career spanned forty years and was spent at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center (North Carolina Baptist Hospital) where he served as Chief Operations Officer for eleven years and was President/CEO for four years. He served as President/CEO of the Lexington/Davie Medical Centers for one year during the merger of the three medical facilities.

Donny’s political career began in 1994 when he was elected to the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Board of Education. He immediately gained the confidence of his fellow Board members and was elected Chair of the Board each of his eighteen years of service. In 2008, he was named to the North Carolina All-State School Board.

In 2012, Donny was elected to the North Carolina House of Representatives serving the 75th District of North Carolina. Following his re-election in 2014, he was appointed Chair of the Appropriations Committee, Chair of the Health Committee. At the beginning of the 2019 Session, Donny was named Senior Chair of Appropriations Committee. During the interim, Donny chairs three Joint Legislative Oversight Committees focused on hearth: Access to Healthcare/Medicaid Expansion; Medicaid/Health Choice, and Health and Human Services. Donny serves in additional key positions of leadership as a member of the Committees on Education K-12, Education Universities, Insurance and Pensions & Retirement.

Throughout his career, Donny has served North Carolina citizens through membership on various State and community Boards. He is currently a member of three vital Boards: myFUTURENC; Affordable Care Act Study Committee; and, Mental Health Committee. Membership on past boards include: Child Fatality Task Force, Trellis, State Health Coordinating Council and the March of Dimes.

As a healthcare executive, Donny’s outstanding leadership and knowledge base gained him recognition from both the business and private sectors of the State – NC Health Care Hero Award (2008); Who’s Who Among Health Care Executives (2012 – sixth consecutive year); Alumnus of the Year – High Point University (2012); and, Regions Most Influential Leader – Triad Business Journal (2013 – seventh consecutive year).

Since his first term in office, Donny has been the recipient of the NC Baptist Heritage Award (2014); and March of Dimes Advocacy Award (2014); Legislator of the Year by the North Carolina Association of Local Health Directors (2016); Advocate State Award for Excellence, American Association of Nurse Practitioners (2016); State Champion Award, North Carolina Association of Registered Nurse Anesthetists (2016); Legislator of the Year, North Carolina Nurses Association (2016); Champion for Health, North Carolina Alliance for Health (2017); Legislator of the Year, North Carolina Community Health Center Association (2017); Legislator of the Year, BAYADA Home Health Care (2017); North Carolina Governor’s School Foundation Champion Award (2018) and, Legislator of the Year, North Carolina Community Health Center Association (2022).

Representative Lambeth was the author and primary sponsor of HB662: Carolina Cares, during the 2017 Session and HB655: NC Healthcare for Working Families during the 2019 Session. Both of these bills were presented with the intent of closing the healthcare coverage gap in North Carolina. With the focus of these bills on quality, access, patient satisfaction, and budget predictability, Donny believes that North Carolina immediately jumps to the forefront in the nation as a model of care.

“We have a great State and we must take advantage of the many opportunities available to improve the quality of life for all of its citizens. Thank you for the privilege you have given me to be a part of such an incredible journey.”

Original source can be found here.