Stokes County North Carolina issued the following announcement on July 26.
The Stokes County Board of Commissioners have declared the following tax parcel as surplus
property and is to be sold in accordance with North Carolina General Statutes 105-376 (c) as real
property purchased at a tax foreclosure sale by a taxing unit and 53A-176 and 160A-269 for upset
The Stokes County Board of Commissioners has received an offer, to purchase the following tax
Bobby Shelton 601000165939 DB/PG 651/1904
1.16 ac NC 704
1st offer for the sum of $1,375.00
Michael Perry 601000165939 DB/PG 651/1904
1.16 ac NC 704
2nd offer for the sum of $1,493.73
Bobby Shelton 601000165939 DB/PG 651/1904
1.16 ac NC 704
3rd offer for the sum of $1,618.42
Michael Perry 601000165939 DB/PG 651/1904
1.16 ac NC 704
4th offer for the sum of $1,749.34
Bobby Shelton 601000165939 DB/PG 651/1904
1.16 ac NC 704
5th offer for the sum of $2,000.00
Michael Perry 601000165939 DB/PG 651/1904
1.16 ac NC 704
6th offer for the sum of $2,150.00
Bobby Shelton 601000165939 DB/PG 651/1904
1.16 ac NC 704
7th offer for the sum of $2,307.50
Michael Perry 601000165939 DB/PG 651/1904
1.16 ac NC 704
8th offer for the sum of $3,000.00
The bid can be upset by anyone wishing to do so on or before 5:00 p.m. Thursday August 5,
2021. To upset this bid, a bidder must raise the bid amount by ten percent (10%) of the first one
thousand ($1,000.00) dollars and five percent (5%) of the remaining bid amount.
When a bid is upset, the bidder will be required to deposit five percent (5%) of the new bid
amount with the County. At that time, the County will advertise the new bid amount. This
procedure will be repeated until no further qualifying upset bids are received.
Any individual or company needing additional information to upset this bid should contact
Glenda Pruitt 336-593-2452 at the Stokes County Ronald Reagan Memorial Building.
The Stokes County Board of Commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all bids received
at any time during this process.
Original source can be found here.