City of Winston Salem issued the following announcement on Oct. 6.
The Community Appearance Commission, Keep Winston-Salem Beautiful, and the Winston-Salem Vegetation Management Department will not hold the annual Community Roots Day this year to avoid endangering the health of participants during the COVID-19 pandemic. The event had been scheduled for Oct. 17.
Community Roots Day normally draws several hundred participants who work in small groups to plant trees along the public right-of way in a designated area, said Amy Crum of the Community Appearance Commission. “When planting the trees, it usually requires 3 to 5 volunteers working together in close proximity,” Crum said. “Given the nature of the activity, we could not come up with a viable option to provide social distancing during the event. Sanitization of shared items, such as shovels and port-a-potties, was another critical issue.”
Organizers will wait until next summer before they determine whether to schedule a Community Roots Day next fall, Crum said.
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