Mayor Allen Joines, City Of Winston-Salem | Mayor Allen Joines Official Facebook
Mayor Allen Joines, City Of Winston-Salem | Mayor Allen Joines Official Facebook
The City of Winston-Salem has announced a proposed project under the Project-Based Voucher program, which involves constructing 216 rental housing units in a wetland area. The Lofts at Motor Road project will be located at 4738 Mount Pleasant Drive, Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, NC. This development will include seven three-story apartment buildings and various site improvements such as parking, sidewalks, and recreational facilities.
The city is evaluating alternatives to situating the project within the wetland area and assessing potential impacts as required by Executive Order 11990. This evaluation process follows HUD regulations outlined in 24 CFR 55.20 Subpart C Procedures for Making Determinations on Floodplain Management and Protection of Wetlands.
The one-acre riverine wetland on the property provides several ecological benefits including flood control, water quality maintenance, wildlife habitat support, and groundwater recharge.
Public participation is encouraged through this notice to address concerns about activities affecting wetlands. The public can propose alternative sites or methods to mitigate environmental impacts. Additionally, this notice serves as an educational tool to inform citizens about federal efforts concerning wetlands.
Written comments should be submitted to the City of Winston-Salem's Planning and Development Services by April 5, 2025. Comments can be sent via mail or email to Matthew Burczyk at during business hours for further information or discussion regarding the project.