Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools issued the following announcement on August 25.
AUGUST 25, 2021 – At the regularly scheduled meeting of the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Board of Education on Tuesday Aug. 24, members thanked the Town of Kernersville and the Kernersville Fire Rescue Department for the donation of a fire engine to Glenn High.
The board also announced that Labor Day – Monday Sept. 6 – will be a holiday for students and staff members.
When it came time to vote on action items, the board tabled two items and approved all other items.
Action items were:
Approved Covid Testing Pilot for Select Extracurricular Groups
Approved Memorandum of Understanding with AVID
Tabled approval of ThinkLaw Professional Coaching Group until after the Curriculum Committee further explored the topic further
Approved Revisions to Policy 5131 Student Behavior - Student Dress Code
Approved adoption of School Mental Health Improvement Plan
Approved Project Impact Pre-K Funding
Approved 2021-2022 Title I Application
Approved Surplus of Property
Approved Indoor Air Quality Improvements
Approved Use of 2/3 Bond Funds 2018-2020 for Roof Replacements
Approved Duke Energy Easement at 1115 Lewisville-Vienna Road
Tabled approval of Cell Tower at North Forsyth Property until additional contract details are worked out
Approved Edgenuity Renewal Contract
Approved Communication Access Partners Contract
Approved Invision Services, Inc. Contracts
Approved Exceptional Children’s Nursing Contracts
Approved of John F. Kennedy High School Construction Documents
Approved Memorandum of Understanding with City of Winston-Salem Fire Truck Storage X.
To read a story by Jennifer Owensby Eminger of the “Kernersville News” about the donation of the fire truck, go to Fire Truck.
Original source can be found here.