Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools issued the following announcement on August 19.
AUGUST 19, 2021 – The Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools CTE (Career Technical Education) High School teachers gather once a year. We strive to give a shout-out to teachers who go above and beyond to share their passion with students, the community, and their peers.
This year, the North Carolina Home Builders Association recognized Dean Bagnoni, Masonry Teacher at John F. Kennedy High School, as their Construction Teacher of the Year. Representatives from NCHBA and the local affiliate, Home Builders Association of Winston-Salem, were on hand to present his award.
This recognition is representative of the relationships that the WS/FCS Career Technical Education teachers and administrators strive to build in our community in all program areas. These work-based learning activities, competitions, and partnerships with local industry partners build strong students and productive citizens.
Dean 3Mr. Bagnoni’s Masonry program is in its eighth year. The average starting wage for Masonry interns is $14 per hour. Graduates earn $18 per hour and more with benefits. Masonry is a starting point for a life-long career in construction.
Aaron Lange, the President of the Home Builders Association of Winston-Salem presented the award to Mr. Bagnoni.
Here is what he had to say:
“Good Morning, everyone. My name is Aaron Lange and I am the President of the Home Builders Association of Winston-Salem. I am thankful to be here today to recognize the North Carolina Home Builders Association’s 2021 Construction Trades Teacher of the Year.”
“This award is selected by a group of HBA members from across the state to recognize outstanding professionalism, high expectations, and leadership for one teacher in our industry. It is given each year to an individual in recognition of the significant impact this person has made on the lives of young people in their school community, professional community, and the broader community in which they live.”
“The education professional chosen for this award is a passionate, hardworking individual who goes above and beyond for his students. He takes care to make sure his students are well prepared for the workforce, understands the usefulness and necessity of their skills, and can communicate well with others.”
“He strives to make his courses engaging, interesting, and interactive. He models teamwork and problem solving in his classroom by working right beside his students. He shows them each level of employment from laborer to supervisor and reviews all practical knowledge from geography, to weather and economic conditions.”
“He not only meets the requirements of these courses but goes the extra mile to ensure his students success. He stays in touch with his graduates, encourages current students to read by playing audiobooks during his labs, and works with his business partners to find summer internships and full- time employment for these students. He will even deliver bricks, practice mortar, and a trainer frame to any student who wants to practice at home.”
“He tells his students often that ‘You will always have a skill; no one can take what you learn here away from you.’”
“We are proud to announce this year, chosen from a group of nominees across the state, the winner of this honor is Mr. Dean Bagnoni.”
“In addition to this certificate, you will receive a $500 prize, a plaque, and recognition at NCHBA’s Fourth-Quarter Board Meeting and Installation in Pinehurst, N.C. later this year.”
“Congratulations, Dean!”
Those in the group picture are: Nancy Harris, Career Development Coordinator, Career Center; Emma Sowers, Government Affairs Director, HBAWS; Ron Foister, Wilson-Covington Construction Company; Deborah Cochran, Career Development Coordinator, John F. Kennedy High School; Dean Bagnoni, NCHBA TOY, Masonry Instructor, John F. Kennedy High School; Aaron Lange, Arden Homes, HBAWS President; Josh Ricci, Ricci Builders & Management, Inc.; Dr. William Wynn, Principal, John F. Kennedy High School
Original source can be found here.