
Winston Salem Times

Monday, March 10, 2025

WINSTON-SALEM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: Innovation Quarter announces the establishment of iQ Community Labs

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Winston-Salem Chamber of Commerce  issued the following announcement on Sept. 25.

The Innovation Quarter has announced the establishment of iQ Community Labs™, a partnership hub for developing and implementing breakthrough ideas in the space of health and social equity within one of the leading innovation districts in the world.

The aim of iQ Community Labs will be to mobilize traditional and non-traditional commercial partners who want to make a difference in scaling solutions aimed at improving health and social equity, then partner them with community organizations that are already focused on creating targeted solutions.

By tapping into the Innovation Quarter’s global network of innovation communities, iQ Community Labs will seek to bring new partners and possible investment, advanced technology, and resources to the table. The effort will share physical space with iQ Healthtech Labs currently on the third floor of Bailey Power Plant.

Original source: https://www.winstonsalem.com/2020/09/innovation-quarter-announces-the-establishment-of-iq-community-labs/